.articles, DIY, links, resources and more…
Welcome to the articles section. This page covers lots of different subjects, there is a DIY section, part of the page contains links to other astrophotography sites and links to lots of online resources.
There are no longer any pages on image processing, with software and techniques developing in such a fast pace, it does not make a lot of sense to have a static page showing a basic tutorial written years ago. Please look to the resources on this page for more on (advanced) image processing techniques.
Near the bottom of the page there is a section with (local) weather and seeing forecasts and sunset and a moonphase calendar is available as well.
Every separate page opened from here will have a “back to articles” button, which will take you back to this page.
lots of links on everything astronomy and astrophotography related.
some small projects incl. cleaning and servicing of the Losmandy G-11
local weather & clouds
atmospheric stability
short day-by-day forecast
anything not covered elsewhere on this page
Astronomy picture of the day
Below overview shows sun and moon rise and setting times as well as moon phases. Clicking on a month will open a separate window.
Display of current moon phase