nebula (emission)
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NGC1499, also known as the California Nebula (it resembles the outline of this US state), is a large emission nebula with a low surface brightness, which makes it difficult to observe.
The nebula is most likely to be illuminated by Xi Persei (the brightest star in the image).
The nebula lies at a distance of about 1.000 light years, is about 100 light years long (spans about 2.5° of sky) and can be found in the constellation Perseus.
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Image information:
Object info
Name: NGC 1499 – The California Nebula
Type: Nebula (emission)
Constellation: Perseus
Distance: 1000 ly
Date & location
Date: November 26, 2016
Location: Landgraaf, The Netherlands
Equipment & optics
Total integration: 5h31m
Camera: SBIG ST-8300M
Optics: TMB/LOMO 80/480
Mount: Losmandy G-11 Gemini
Image comments
16 x 10 minutes of H-alpha data was blended into the color RGB image from 2012.